Intuition & Creativity

fierce impact with Dr. Diva Verdun - the power of feminine Fire

Women bring forth life and are directly infused into the creative process by the mere fact that you are female. The feminine power of creation must be open for you to be fully free to stand in your authority as a woman.

The ability to create is bigger than crafts, or painting and drawing. It is your Divine Birthright because you are created in the image and likeness of the Great Creator automatically granting you full authority as a co-creator. Thus, the gift of creativity is not something that you acquire, it is something that you already are from within.

You are the gift of creativity.  Your ideas, insights, dreams and aspirations are all part of your creative process. They all stream in from your intuitive guidance, which is your ability to understand things on higher levels than your human awareness can comprehend through conscious reasoning. Your creativity then stems from supreme insight that you acquire through your intuition.

The higher your awareness the easier it is for you to naturally follow your intuition. Your intuition is your higher self, your spiritual self guiding the spark of creative intelligence within you that in turn pulls you into living your dreams.